1 Million Bäume gegen den Klimawandel - washo.ch

1 million trees to combat climate change

With its environmentally friendly washing strips, the startup from central Switzerland has really shaken up the Swiss detergent market. Over 100,000 households already rely on the innovative young company.

Millionth tree for the birthday

The environmentally friendly washing strips and plastic-free dishwasher tabs are not only effective and practical, but also make an active contribution to climate protection. View all Washo products that actively help to increase the Washo forest. A tree is planted for every pack sold. Just in time for its third birthday, Washo announces that it has planted its 1 millionth tree. On our forest page you can find everything about our reforestation campaign and learn all about this great project.

If you don't know Washo yet, you can order your free sample here.

The Washo Forest

The Washo Forest covers an area of around 500 hectares and is spread over 13 countries (incl. Switzerland). Trees play a crucial role in the fight against climate change. They absorb CO2, produce oxygen and provide a habitat for numerous animal and plant species.

The Washo team above Lake Zug after planting trees

Local forest warden in the team

The ambitious reforestation campaign is expertly supported by Cornel Aschwanden, an experienced forest warden from Schwyz in Central Switzerland. Since last year, his expertise has also been used to plant trees in Switzerland. Today, parts of the Washo Forest can also be found on the Albis Pass, in Arth above Lake Zug, in Walchwil and Udligenswil.

Forester Cornel Aschwanden with Washo founder Lukas Thoma


Washo relies on future trees for reforestation; tree varieties that also thrive in warmer and drier climates. But planting the beautiful tree seedlings is not the end of the story: "The real work begins after planting," says Washo forest warden Aschwanden. It takes years of care and a lot of patience for the tender sapling to grow into a strong tree.

Forester Cornel explains the concept of future trees

Sustainability as a principle

"At Washo, tree planting is not just a marketing gimmick," says Washo founder Lukas Thoma. "The pursuit of sustainability is the reason why Washo exists at all". The trees are a simple tool to make our commitment visible.

Innovation and simple solutions

Washo's products show that environmentally friendly alternatives do not have to be complicated or expensive. Instead of lugging heavy bottles of detergent home and then laboriously dispensing them, all you need to do is put a washing strip in the washing drum. "Washing has never been easier or cleaner," says family man and Washo founder Thoma.

If you don't know Washo yet, you can order your free samplehere.

A Washo wash strip - That's how little it takes to wash your clothes clean.

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