1'306'482 We have already planted trees
Together, we are making an important contribution to climate protection.
1 tree for every box sold
Washo wash strips -
1 tree for every pack sold
Washo dishwasher tabs -
1 tree for every pack sold
Washo oxygen bleach
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- 10 trees for every Instagram follower
Forest projects in Switzerland
We realise our local forest projects together with the Schwyz forest warden Cornel Aschwanden. The focus is on species conservation and biodiversity.
The first Swiss Washo Forest is located near the Albis Pass in the canton of Zurich. Here we have planted an area with 4,000 young trees.
We are currently reforesting a steep mountainside in Arth in the canton of Schwyz. We plant walnut trees, oaks, Douglas firs and spruces.
Our Washo forest warden Cornel Aschwanden always pays particular attention to a healthy diversity of species and selects the right tree varieties that tolerate the increasingly warmer climate well.
Find out more in the Washo blog
Together for nature & the environment
In addition to a clean cleaning result, the environment is also important to us. By avoiding unnecessary ingredients in Washo products, we are conserving our planet's resources and helping to protect our natural environment. We are certified by Carbon-Connect as a climate-neutral company and fully offset all CO2 emissions from production and transport. Washo is also a partner of the following organisations:
more infoTogether with tree-nation, we are participating in global reforestation to counteract climate change and offset as much CO2 emissions as possible.
Eden Reforestation Projects
more infoTogether with Eden Reforestation Projects, we help to restore natural landscapes in developing countries that have been destroyed by deforestation and to create habitats.
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