Washo Advent donations 2023
Washo is a member of "1%-for-the-Planet" and has committed to donating at least 1% of sales from the outset. In the current year 2023, we have over CHF 100,000.- donated to social and sustainable projects and invested heavily in the Washo Forest .
In Advent 2023, we have CHF 500 every day.- donated. Here you will find an exact overview of our Advent donations.
Donation from Sunday, 24. December 2023
Stiftung Brändi
The Foundation Brändi is a socially and economically successful company that promotes and realizes the inclusion of people with disabilities in work, society and culture.
The Advent donation from Washo is for the benefit of Wohnhaus Bleuen:
Opened in 1992, the Bleuen Willisau residential building is located in the immediate vicinity of the train station, in the middle of the Bleuen residential area. People with disabilities are very well integrated in the idyllic little town of Willisau. The interaction is uncomplicated and open. People meet spontaneously while shopping in the various small stores in the village.
This donation was also recommended directly from the Washo community. Unfortunately, not all donation recommendations could be implemented this year. However, the positive feedback motivates us to continue expanding our social approach in the new year.
Donation from Saturday, 23. December 2023
Light in the East
The aid organization Light in the East helps people in material, medical and emotional need.
Donation from Friday, 22. December 2023
The Swiss Foundation Sternschnuppe brings joy and variety to the lives of children in residential homes and hospitals.
Sternschnuppe fulfills heartfelt wishes and makes the impossible possible to give children an unforgettable experience.
Donation from Thursday, 21. December 2023
Umuntu Movement
The Umuntu Movement is an initiative of FAbio Hüther. He has been looking after children since he was 15. It has made it its mission to help and empower people who do not have access to clean water. Empowering people means offering them a chance for a better life. The concept is "helping people to help themselves". The Umuntu Movement wants to offer a launch pad for people who are not as well off as we are.
We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Wednesday, 20. December 2023
Animal free Research
The Aid for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
At Washo, we attach great importance to developing vegan and cruelty-free products.
The Swiss organization Animal free research promotes alternative methods to animal testing and places the dignity and welfare of animals at the heart of its activities.
Donation from Tuesday, 19. December 2023
The Aid for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
4africa is a small but extremely effective Swiss aid organization. In selected regions of Africa, 4africa helps with passion and conviction to ensure that children and young adults have access to education. The commitment of the volunteer Swiss team deserves our respect and is impressive!
Donation from Monday, 18. December 2023
The Aid for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
VIER PFOTEN is the global animal welfare organization for animals under direct human influence, which identifies abuses, rescues animals in need and protects them. FOUR PAWS' vision is a world in which people treat animals with respect, compassion and understanding.
We are pleased to support this valuable work.
Donation from Sunday, 17. December 2023
Support association for children with rare diseases (KMSK)
Our Advent donation today goes to the Support Association for Children with Rare Diseases (KMSK), which has been working passionately for around 350,000 people affected by rare diseases in Switzerland for 10 years. It connects around 800 families throughout Switzerland and has given more than 9,000 young and old guests unforgettable moments of happiness at the free KMSK family events. Since 2014, families have been able to save around CHF 2.7 million for therapies and aids.
The Aid for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community. We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln
Donation from Saturday, 16. December 2023
Network Diaspora
The Aid organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
The aid organization Network Diaspora works with local partners in Africa to give people in need a perspective on life. The projects are managed by local people.
Network Diaspora projects have often opened up opportunities, prospects and a future for poor people. Helping people to help themselves is a guiding principle of the organization and we are grateful to have heard about it through the Washo community.
Donation from Friday, 15. December 2023
Stiftung Theodora
We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
"Laughter and dreams for our children in hospital"
The Theodora Foundation organizes and finances weekly visits by professional artists - the Dream Doctors - to hospitals and specialized institutions.
During each visit, the Dream Doctors open a window to the little patients' imagination by spontaneously responding to their individual needs. The children find their way back into their world of laughter and play, sometimes with the help of their parents.
Donation from Thursday, 14. December 2023
Project Ukunda, Kenya
The Aid organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation is a special concern for the Washo team. The school project Ukunda was founded almost 20 years ago by a very early Washo customer and Washo ambassador. She took an interest in our sustainability campaign very early on and supported it.
The school project in Kenya arranges school sponsorships in Kenya and has been instrumental in setting up a local school for around 480 children. The members of the association work on a voluntary basis and 100% of the donations are used in Kenya for children in need and the Swikunda School.
The idea of helping is based on the African proverb:
"Many little people doing many little things in many little places could change the face of the world"

Donation from Wednesday, 13. December 2023
Le Caré
The Aid for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
The CARÉ is an emergency day care center in Geneva. It helps people with material and emotional difficulties in emergency situations.
Your living space is created for exchange and encounters and a team of volunteers takes care of a wide range of basic needs. The name CARÉ is derived from "Caritas - Welcome - Meeting - Exchange".
We are delighted to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Tuesday, 12. December 2023
Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber (SWS), Zurich
The relief organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
"Shelter and warmth for people without a home" - this is the aim of the Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber and is therefore an important institution in Switzerland and a beacon of hope for people on the margins of society.
The social welfare organizations are involved in street work, emergency shelters, social counselling and welcome everyone at the drop-in centres.
We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Monday, 11. December 2023
The organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
The association MYBLUEPLANET is committed to a climate-friendly tomorrow. The aim is to use innovative solutions to encourage people in Switzerland to live in a climate-friendly way. "We show on a small scale what is feasible on a large scale" - the organization thus serves as an important role model.
We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Sunday, 10. December 2023
Camaquito Cuba
The relief organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was made by the Washo Community and personally recommended by the initiator Mark Kuster. For more than 20 years, the aid organization Camquito has been supporting children, teenagers and young adults in Cuba.
We are delighted to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Saturday, 9. December 2023
Tierschutz Helfer
The non-profit organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
The Schweizer Verein Tierschutz Helfer engagiert sich für den Tierschutz in der Schweiz und unterstützt Lebens- und Gnadenhöfe mit Arbeitseinsätzen, administrativen Arbeiten und Finanzierungshilfen.
We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Friday, 8. December 2023
Association for church-based street work, Lucerne
The charitable association for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.
"So that the people from the alley are not standing on the street". With this mission, the Verein kirchliche Gassenarbeit Luzern helps people affected by addiction and poverty in central Switzerland. In Lucerne, the organization is also known for running the GasseChuchi , thereby assuming an important social role.
We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.
Donation from Thursday, 7. December 2023
Clinic Nepal
The relief organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was made by the Washo Community and recommended by Washo customer Tony Schaller. Tony has long been involved in helping the local population in Nepal and also supports the non-profit Clinic Nepalthere .
We are delighted to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. You can submit recommendations here .
Donation from Wednesday, 6. December 2023
Eden Reforestation Projects
Our Advent donation today goes to Eden Projects. The non-profit organization reforests trees worldwide. The organization is thus making an important contribution to stopping climate change.
The organization also brings important jobs to less privileged regions of the world through reforestation. Special attention is paid to biodiversity and landscape development in reforestation. It also supports local communities and provides important development cooperation.
Donation from Tuesday, 5. December
Charity association Glückspilz in Alpnach
Our Advent donation today goes to the Happy Mushroom charity in Alpnach. The association is committed to helping all those who have not been as lucky as us in life. The association organizes a variety of leisure and vacation activities for people with disabilities in Switzerland. All members of the association work on a purely voluntary basis and all money goes directly to those affected.
Donation from Monday, 4. December 2023
Quy Nhon Social Farm, Vietnam
Our Advent donation today goes to the Quy Nhon Social Farm in Vietnam. Ms. Nga Nguyen's aid initiative has been looking after disadvantaged and disabled children and young people for many years. To date, over 1700 disabled children and young people have been successfully prepared for a future worth living and have experienced joy and prospects for the future thanks to the private initiative.
Donation from Sunday, 3. December
KYMA sea conservation & research
Our Advent donation today goes to the Swiss marine conservation organization KYMA sea conservation & research. KYMA is involved in a research project in the Mediterranean for marine animals and their habitat. The association also initiates protective measures by launching campaigns and carrying out educational and awareness-raising work. KYMA highlights ecological connections and networks and communicates consumer and value attitudes in order to deeply anchor the protection of the oceans on land.
Donation from Saturday, 2. December 2023
CHF 500.- / Sourirs pour le Togo, Tägerwilen
Our donation today goes to the non-profit association "Des sourires pour le Togo". The young association from eastern Switzerland is committed to helping children in Togo and implements projects in the areas of education, water supply and health.
All members of the association work on a voluntary basis and 100% of the donations go to where the money is really needed.
Donation from Friday, 1. December 2023
CHF 500.- / Tree-Nation
Our Advent donation today goes to the non-profit organization "tree-nation". Tree-nation coordinates reforestation projects around the world.
Washo plants a tree for every pack sold and to date has over 800,000 trees in the Washo forest. You can find more information about the Washo reforestation projects here.