Washo Adventsspenden 2024 - washo.ch

Washo Advent donations 2024

During Advent we say thank you and donate CHF 500 every day.- for a selected non-profit organization.

We are a member of "1%-for-the-Planet" and donate at least 1% of sales. To date, over CHF 240,000.- donated to social projects and reforestation.

Washo hat 12000 CHF gespendet

Donation of Tuesday, 24. December

Verein Incontro

The Incotro association is active in street work in Zurich's Langstrasse district. The motto here is to meet people at eye level and to support them. This ranges from discussions and support to providing meals and food parcels as well as support with further training and courses.

Donation of Monday, 23. December

Trägerverein Huusglöwn

The Huusglön visit people whose everyday lives are particularly challenging. In pairs, they give the other person the opportunity to change their perspective for a moment.
With sensitive improvisations, the Huusglön make contact and enable moments of laughter, amazement and lightness. They are aware that they are invading the privacy of the people they visit. In addition to spontaneity and humorous interaction, mindfulness, sensitivity and respect are therefore also part of her baggage. The hasube visits are free of charge for people.

Donation of Sunday, 22 . December

Foundation Sozialwerke Pfarrer Sieber

The Sozialwerke Pfarrer Sieber Foundation helps quickly and courageously wherever there are gaps in the social safety net. The institution's motto is to provide support, care and help. The social welfare organizations are actively committed to helping people in emergency situations.

Donation of Saturday, 21 . December

Tischlein deck dich (Central Switzerland region)

In collaboration with the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Zug (GGZ), Tischlein deck dichmaintains a logistics warehouse with its own storage and cold storage facilities in Baar - near GGZ@Work Industrie und Produktion. People doing community service and people without jobs are on the road as drivers and deliver to the Tischlein-deck-dichdrop-off points in the region.

Donation of Friday, 20 . December

Children's aid organization Camaquito, Zurich

Camaquito www.camaquito.orghas been supporting children, young people and their families in Cuba with various projects for over 23 years. Among other things, we are committed to the integration of people with disabilities into the world of work and organize training courses or advise and support Cuban companies that want to train and employ people with disabilities.

Donation of Thursday, 19 . December

NetAP - Network Animal Protection, Esslingen

Easing existing suffering and preventing future misery - that is NetAP's mission. NetAP achieves this goal in particular through its extensive neutering programs in Switzerland and abroad. Over a quarter of a million dogs and cats have already undergone such a program.

Donation of Wednesday, 18 . December

MAF Schweiz

MAF flies to places where others cannot go for logistical reasons - over deserts, primeval forests and rough terrain.

With a fleet of around 120 small aircraft, MAF reaches over 1000 destinations in regions of the world that are difficult to access. MAF provides people with access to clean water, food, medical care and education through 1400 aid organizations.

Ways end. MAF continues to fly.

Donation of Tuesday, 17 . December

Association mosa!k, St. Gallen

mosa!k is involved in St. Gallen and the surrounding area for young and early-onset people with dementia. The non-profit organization offers various leisure activities and a day structure for young people suffering from dementia.


Donation of Monday, 16 . December

Mountain Forest Project, Trin GR

The Mountain Forest Project is a non-profit foundation based in Trin GR, which has been committed to maintaining the protection forest and the cultural landscape in the mountain region since 1987.

Through work assignments with volunteers, it promotes the sustainable preservation of the mountain forest and its services.

Bergwaldprojekt Trin GR

Donation of Sunday, 15 . December

Open Hearts for Mongolia

Open Hearts for Mongoliais a non-profit Swiss association based in Lucerne. The association is involved in tree planting projects in Mongolia and the preservation of the Tuvan way of life.

In the last 16 years, the association has built a bridge between Switzerland and Mongolia and planted over a million trees with the Galsan Tschinag Foundation. In addition to the tree projects, the organization accompanies the Tuwa nomads in the High Altai from tradition to modernity.

Open Hearts for Mongolia

The commitment is geared towards current and future needs. In recent decades, the natural balance has become unbalanced due to the deforestation of many forests. The tree projects are therefore a central component of the activities.

A new trigger influencing the work is the climatic changes of recent years. The extreme weather conditions, with temperatures of up to -45 degrees, are challenging the traditional way of life of the Tuwa people. This is why the association also supports sustainable projects in this area.

The initiators have traveled to the country several times and are working directly with the Tuvan people's leaders. The commitment is 100% charitable. Every franc donated is invested 1:1 in ongoing projects.

The projects are documented on the website www.ohfm.chand are updated on an ongoing basis.

Donation from Saturday, 14 . December

Forest Focus, Tanzania

Our Advent donation today goes to Forest Focus. The organization plants trees in Tanzania for global climate protection. In doing so, it generates important income and a livelihood for the local population.

Forest Focus

Donation of Friday, 13 . December

E4Y (Education for Youth

E4Y (Education for Youth) is an education program in Yangon, Myanmar, that enables children from financially disadvantaged families to complete school. It is aimed at pupils who are unable to attend school after the 4th grade due to high school costs. It supports children who have to drop out of school between the ages of 11 and 13 and helps them to make the transition to vocational training. The four-year program enables children to continue their education in their own supervised schools, thus improving their chances of an education and a professional future.

The film "My Way" provides a good insight into the work and purpose of the aid organization. This shows very impressively the everyday (school) life of an E4Y student:

The movie is authentically made. E4U gave a student a camera and she used it to film her own day.

We founded the E4Y support association so that we can somehow give our people there hope and help despite the catastrophic situation in Myanmar. The following is an excerpt from the statutes of the E4Y Support association:

The purpose of the association E4Y Support is to provide financial assistance and support to people in need in Myanmar, in particular to help continue the E4Y (Education for Youth) school project and to provide financial support to teachers and students and their families .


Donation of Thursday, 12 . December

KYMA sea conservation & research

Our Advent donation today goes to the Swiss marine conservation organization KYMA sea conservation & research. KYMA is involved in a research project in the Mediterranean for marine animals and their habitat. The association also initiates protective measures by launching campaigns and carrying out educational and awareness-raising work.

KYMA highlights ecological connections and networks and communicates consumer and value attitudes in order to deeply anchor the protection of the oceans on land.

KYMA sea conservation & research

Donation of Wednesday, 11 . December

Procap Zentralschweiz

Procap Zentralschweiz is a self-help organization for people with disabilities with the aim of enabling them to lead a self-determined life.

This includes support and advice in the area of social insurance and the organization of inclusive events.

Procap Central Switzerland fights for an inclusive society. Without ifs and buts.

Procap Zentralschweiz

Donation from Tuesday, 10. December

Eden Reforestation Projects

Our Advent donation today goes to Eden Projects. The non-profit organization reforests trees worldwide. In this way, the organization is making an important contribution to stopping climate change.

The organization also brings important jobs to less privileged regions of the world through reforestation. Special attention is paid to biodiversity and landscape development in reforestation. It also supports local communities and provides important development cooperation.

Eden People & Planet

Donation of Monday, 9 . December

Sourirs pour le Togo, Tägerwilen

Our donation today goes to the non-profit association "Des sourires pour le Togo". The young association from eastern Switzerland is committed to helping children in Togo and implements projects in the areas of education, water supply and health.

All members of the association work on a voluntary basis and 100% of the donations go where the money is really needed.

Des sourirs pour le Togo

Donation of Sunday, 8 . December

Tierschutz Helfer

The non-profit organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.

The Swiss Association Tierschutz Helferis committed to animal welfare in Switzerland and supports sanctuaries and sanctuaries with work assignments, administrative work and financial assistance.

We are delighted to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.

Tierschutz Helfer

Donation from Saturday , 7. December

The Glückspilz charity in Alpnach

Our Advent donation today goes to the Happy Mushroom charity in Alpnach. The association is committed to helping all those who have not been as lucky as us in life. The association organizes a variety of leisure and vacation activities for people with disabilities in Switzerland. All members of the association work on a purely voluntary basis and all money goes directly to those affected.

Wohltätigketisverein Glückspilz

Donation of Friday , 6. December


The organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.

The association MYBLUEPLANET is committed to a climate-friendly tomorrow. The aim is to use innovative solutions to encourage people in Switzerland to live in a climate-friendly way. "We show on a small scale what is feasible on a large scale" - the organization thus serves as an important role model.

We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.


Donation of Thursday , 5. December

Le Caré

TheRelief organization for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.

The CARÉ is an emergency day care center in Geneva. It helps people with material and emotional difficulties in emergency situations.

Your living space is created for exchange and encounters and a team of volunteers takes care of a wide range of basic needs. The name CARÉis derived from "Caritas - Welcome - Meeting - Exchange".

We are extremely pleased to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.

Le Caré

Donation from Wednesday, 4. December


The charity for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.

VIER PFOTEN is the global animal welfare organization for animals under direct human influence that identifies abuses, rescues animals in need and protects them. FOUR PAWS' vision is a world in which people treat animals with respect, compassion and understanding.

We are delighted to support this valuable work.

Donation from Tuesday, 3. December

Stiftung Theodora

We are delighted to support charitable projects on the recommendation of our community. Empfehlungen kannst du hier übermitteln.

"Laughter and dreams for our children in hospital"

The Theodora Foundation organizes and finances weekly visits by professional artists - the Dream Doctors - to hospitals and specialist institutions.

During each visit, the Dream Doctors open a window to the imagination for the little patients by spontaneously responding to their individual needs. The children thus find their way back to their W

Stiftung Theodora

Donation from Monday, 2. December

Animal free Research

The Aid for today's CHF 500.- Advent donation was recommended by the Washo community.

At Washo, we attach great importance to developing vegan and cruelty-free products.

The Swiss organization Animal free research promotes alternative methods to animal testing and places the dignity and welfare of animals at the heart of its activities.

Animal free Research

Donation from Sunday, 1. December

Light in the East

The relief organization Light in the Easthelps people in material, medical and emotional need.

Licht im Osten

"Light in the East" distributes locally produced winter boots in Ukraine and Moldova. 12,000 children and young people will have warm feet this winter!

This week, children at the LIO emergency aid center in Zaporizhzhya in eastern Ukraine were able to choose new winter boots (see picture).

Do you have another donation suggestion?

We are always happy to receive suggestions for projects worthy of support. To date, Washo has donated over CHF 240,000. You can find the complete overviewhere .

We are happy to receive your suggestion viaform . We are always happy to support organizations brought in by the Washo community.

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